Richard's a keen club cyclist who also goes to spinning classes - but he isn't able to cycle to work as he is field based and lives in Suffolk. Richard was part of the team who cycled from Glasgow to Edinburgh in 2010 as part of the Start Royal Train challenge - and is expected to be leading the way with Nick on the big pedal. Availability of porridge will be a key factor for Richard as it's his preferred cycling fuel - at Glasgow station, very kind station staff supplied hot water to add to our pots of instant stuff. We need to tap into Richard's experience of road club cycling to improve technique and the way we ride.
King of the Mountains is being awarded weekly to the most impressive performance in training by a no-so-regular cyclist. Julia's this week's winner - she's quite new to cycling and managed to get the bike out twice, building up 23.5 miles - a great start! Julia's more used to bikes with engines and has done some epic road trips with her husband David. Julia and David use more methods than most to get to work, sometimes walking, sometimes sharing a car or one of their motorbikes - and I believe that cycling will soon be added to this mix.
Here's hoping for some good weather this week so that we can cycle in the sunshine as we train....